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Morning Prayer Group (Before Mass)

From Monday to Saturday, at 8:30 am we have the recitation of the Holy Rosary, the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy is held in church. The prayer group is open to everyone in the parish.  We join together and pray for all intentions, ourselves and others.  We pray for the Holy Father, all clergy, the sick, the lonely - in our parish and throughout world.  The list is limitless! 

Bishop Bergie's Letter on the Year of the Rosary - click here


On Tuesdays, following Mass, a small group of men and women (5-12) assemble to pray the Holy Rosary, the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, and the Legion of Mary's prayers - a continuation of what once was an active Legion of Mary.  We also support a small group of charities by free-will donation which include:  Covenant House in Toronto, Hannah House in Niagara Falls, Society of St Vincent de Paul in our parish, the Warehouse of Hope in Africa (under the direction of Eric Lefebvre, Niagara Falls), Save a Family Plan in India, and our own Esk-Omi Missions who minister in Canada's North.


On Tuesdays at 1:00 pm, a small cenacle of the "Marian Movement of Priests" joins together for prayers and readings from  Movement's book. This devotion is recited in English.


On Wednesdays, following the 9:15 am Mass, a small cenacle of Italian-speaking people join together; We're the "Marian Movement of Priests".  This devotion is done in the Italian language and takes place on "Mary's side of the church".  Please join us.


Mary's Little Children Community - Canada

Thursday, 7:30 pm - held at various home meetings called Harland Machacon 905.357.0313 for details

Mary's Little Children Community or family of an association of the faithful and some institutes of consecrated life.  Its members are the faithful of varying states of life namely, lay Missionaries, Sisters, Nuns, Brothers, Monks and Priests. The community exists according to the vision for which it is called into existence, namely:  God glorified in Jesus Christ through the healing and renewal of his priests and people.  This constitutes our vision, which defines the aim or 'Charism' of the community.





All are welcome to attend. 

 Prayer Groups

Following are several active groups you may wish to attend

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