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 Altar Servers (Youth and Adult)

Youth Altar Servers

Junior Altar Servers Needed - for additional information click here


We are happy to announce that we are moving forward with preparations to welcome back our Junior Altar Services at weekend Masses. We are also looking for new Altar Servers who may be interested in serving in this Ministry. Updated training will be provided for all Altar Servers. If you are interested or have any questions,

call Anna Racine at 905.358.3412.

What is black and white, ranges in height from 3’6” to 6’3” and can always be found at Sunday Mass? 

If you guessed a St. Thomas More altar server, then you guessed correctly! 


Altar servers have been an important ministry in the parish since its inception.  Unlike other churches, St. Thomas More Youth Altar Servers have retained the original black and white vestments for its servers.


The ministry of Altar Server is open to boys and girls of the Parish in grades 3 and above who show an interest in serving at the altar during Mass and other Parish liturgical celebrations. The primary function of the altar server is to assist the priest during Mass and involves learning the parts of the Mass, assisting the priest (and deacon) as they prepare the Eucharistic Sacrifice, participating in the prayers of the Mass, and in the singing along with the congregation.


Altar Servers are scheduled to serve at all Parish Liturgies on weekends and on holy days of obligation. They may be asked to serve at special liturgies (i.e. Confirmation). This commitment involves being at the Church at least 15 minutes prior to the start of a liturgical celebration, and remaining afterwards for 10 minutes or so, to assist in preparing the sanctuary for the next mass.


The ministry is open to interested youth who are in the 3rd grade (8 years of age) or higher. It involves a commitment to assist at Mass and other Parish functions as scheduled by the Alter Server Coordinator.


Servers can always be counted on to step up to the responsibility of serving their parish. 

For additional information, contact our Ministry Lead, Anna Racine (905 358 3412)


Adult Altar Servers


The Adult Altar Servers are a group of adults who show an interest in serving. The adult servers are used when the youth servers are unavailable, such as some weekday masses and Funerals. Just like the youth servers the primary function of the adult altar server is to assist the priest during Mass as they prepare the Eucharistic Sacrifice, participating in the Mass.

For additional information, contact our Ministry Lead, Carmen Armenti

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