St. Thomas More Catholic Church
6548 Dorchester Road, Niagara Falls, ON, L2G 5T5
Telephone: 905.356.7533 ● Fax: 905.356.9087 ● email: map
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

Catechumenate (R.C.I.A.)
Initiation, Reception, Confirmation of R.C.I.A. Participants
The Scrutinies are celebrated on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Sundays of Lent. Those preparing to be baptized at the Easter Vigil are present at these rites. For both the Elect and the parish community, Lent is a time for more intense spiritual preparation and for deepening our relationship with Jesus. The Scrutinies are an opportunity for us to pray for our Elect that they will turn their hearts towards Jesus and feel our support.
At each of the Scrutinies, the church invites the Elect and the parish community to reflect on three different Gospels that reveal the meaning of the upcoming baptism of the Elect.
FIRST SCRUTINY: John 4:5-42 The Samaritan Woman at the Well
SECOND SCRUTINY: John 9:1-41 The Man Born Blind
THIRD SCRUTINY: John 11:1-45 The Raising of Lazarus
If you or anyone you happen to know is interested in the Catholic faith, whether to look into it more or perhaps to become Catholic, now is the time to inform us -- leave your name, phone number or
e-mail with the office and you will be contacted!
If you fit any one of the following descriptions (or if you know of someone who does), please complete the form below.
anyone who wants to join the Catholic Church
anyone who wants to consider entering the Church
anyone who was baptized but never received the other sacraments
anyone who simply wishes to inquire about Catholicism
anyone Catholic who feels that they would like to review or increase their knowledge of the faith
(and at the same time, act as a parish sponsor for an inquirer)
Our Parish annually celebrates the beginning of a new journey into the faith for those interested in joining our Catholic family. This process of welcome into the Catholic Church is called the Catechumenate or the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (often identified by its initials -- R.C.I.A.)