St. Thomas More Catholic Church
6548 Dorchester Road, Niagara Falls, ON, L2G 5T5
Telephone: 905.356.7533 ● Fax: 905.356.9087 ● email: map
The original series was updated in 2015, and features Alpha pioneer Nicky Gumbel presenting each topic with humourous anecdotes, personal experiences, and biblical relevancy. Every session begins with food, whether a three-course meal or a light snack – as eating food together creates space for people to connect, relax, and build friendships. The video talk follows, designed to engage the participants and invite conversation. Each session features a different question about life and faith; here’s the run-down:
Is There More to Life than This?
Who is Jesus?
Why did Jesus Die?
How Can I Have Faith?
Why and How Do I Pray?
Why and How Do I Read the Bible?
Who is the Holy Spirit?
What Does the Holy Spirit Do?
How Can I Be Filled with the Holy Spirit?
How Can I make the Most of the Rest of My Life?
How Can I Resist Evil?
Why and How Should I Tell Others?
Does God Heal Today?
What About the Church?
We’re aiming to start Alpha sessions on Wednesday, spring 2020. In the meantime, if you are eager to participate, add your name in the notebook on the lectern in the front foyer of the church.
In order to run this program, we are in need of volunteers to help in the following areas:
Set-up, take-down and clean-up of tables, chairs, dishes etc.
Food preparations and kitchen help. (will not be able to take part in actual program)
Group discussion leaders (training to be provided).
If interested, please add your name and phone number to the volunteer sheet.